Here's a simple multi-agent architecture for eCommerce:

Scenario: An e-commerce company wants to optimize its marketing strategy to increase sales and improve customer satisfaction.

Agents and their roles:

Recommender Agent: This agent is responsible for analyzing customer behavior, purchase history, and preferences to generate personalized product recommendations. It uses machine learning algorithms to understand individual customer preferences and suggest relevant products to each customer.

Pricing Agent: The pricing agent monitors market trends, competitor prices, and customer demand to adjust product prices dynamically. It uses pricing optimization algorithms to determine the optimal price for each product based on various factors such as demand elasticity and inventory levels.

Customer Service Agent: The customer service agent handles customer inquiries, complaints, and feedback. It uses natural language processing (NLP) techniques to understand customer queries and provide timely and accurate responses. Additionally, it can identify patterns in customer feedback to improve products and services.

Advertising Agent: This agent manages the company's advertising and messaging across various channels, such as social media and search engines as well as push, SMS, email, etc.. It uses predictive analytics to identify target audiences, optimize ad placements, and allocate advertising budgets and messaging frequency effectively.

The recommendation agent and customer service agent feed real-time, user-level data to the advertising agent to drive more effective targeted messaging.

The pricing agent provides real-time supply conditions to the recommendation agent, to help move product that's overstocked while ensuring out-of-stock recommendations aren't sent.

The advertising agent provides feedback to the recommendation agent, customer service agent and pricing agent, so they can understand macro trends and what brought each user into the site/app (for personalizing future campaigns).

...and these are just a few examples.

One agent doesn't do all of the heavy lifting.

Instead, each agent is a specialist, solely focused on their individual domain and feeding back to the group to enhance the e-commerce company's marketing efforts, improve customer satisfaction, and drive sales growth.